1 - Follow the rubric and listen to Mrs. Kirsch when she spends time explaining the rubric and what is expected. When you get your essay back, listen to Mrs. Kirsch as she goes over common problems. Ask questions if you need clarification!
2 - ASK FOR HELP! Go talk to Mrs. Kirsch at lunch or during "HW Time" about a previous essay. KNOW why you lost points... this way you can improve! Mrs. Kirsch wants you to get better and loves helping!!!
3 - Make a ven-diagram/outline/brainstorming BEFORE essay test day. Take advantage of Mrs. Kirsch's willingness to look at your ideas before test day!
4 - Write your essay out. Take advantage of Mrs. Kirsch's willingness to look at your essay BEFORE test day!
5 - Practice your essay at home. Read it, write it, practice it... Come to essay test day prepared to ATTACK it! Essay writing is not a passive sport; it is an aggressive one!
"VENI VIDI VICI!" ~Julius Caesar 47BC (I came, I saw, I conquered)
6 - EXTRA CREDIT - Mrs. Kirsch has offered over 60pts of extra credit so far this quarter and you are still able to do it and there is more still to be offered. How many points do you have so far??