Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sign-Up Instructions for the Online Textbook

Go to
Click 1. Social Studies/ High School
Click 2. Virginia
Click 3. Find Textbook
Click on the picture of our book... Ancient World History
In the first Column at the bottom click on the link... Online Book
Click... Accept Terms (this will be where you will sign in from now on, after you create your account)
Click...Create a student account
Enter in Activation Code 4566657-21
Enter in your Birthday
Fill in your name and pick a password. WRITE IT DOWN!

Each student who wishes to use the online textbook must register individually. It is a great tool! It can be used for reading, review, practice quizzes and tests, games and tons more.

Please be aware that internet failure is not an excuse for not having homework done. All students should have the actual textbook at home. If a student has two homes it then should be kept in their locker, so it can be brought home when they need it.